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Photos d’été: ferme aux rennes Reindeer Lake Resort à Pello en Laponie en Finlande
Reindeer Lake Resort owner and operator Anne-Mari Kovalainen and a reindeer calf
Female reindeer and a young calf
Atmospheric angling at the Reindeer Lake Resort from the shore of Lake Puolamajärvi in Lapland
Reindeer at the Reindeer Lake Resort on the shores of Lake Puolamajärvi in Lapland
Sunset on Lake Puolamajärvi in Pello in Lapland
Reindeer Lake Resort owner and operator Anne-Mari Kovalainen and a calf during separation herding in Lapland
A newly born reindeer calf at the Reindeer Lake Resort reindeer farm in Lapland
Sunset at Lake Puolamajärvi in Pello in Lapland
Sunrise on Lake Puolamajärvi in Lapland
Reindeer during herd separation in Lapland
The Reindeer Lake Resort's chickens enjoy a warm summer day in front of the beach sauna and Lake Puolamajärvi.
The Navettala (Barn) building at the Reindeer Lake Resort in Pello in Lapland
Sunset on Lake Puolamajärvi in Pello in Finland. On the left, our reindeer dog Miisu.
Lapland autumn on Lake Puolamajärvi in Lapland
Sausages grilling on the shore of Lake Puolamajärvi at the Reindeer Lake Resort in Pello in Lapland
Our Lapponian herder Rico as a pup
Female reindeer and calf at the Reindeer Lake Resort reindeer farm in Pello in Lapland
The Reindeer Lake Resort Rantamökki (Beach Cottage) in Pello in Finnish Lapland
Summer view from the beach at the Reindeer Lake Resort in Pello in Lapland
The Navettala (Barn) building at the Reindeer Lake Resort, which offers cozy rooms
The Reindeer Lake Resort Navettala (Barn) building in summer
A male reindeer during the herd separation in Pello in Finnish Lapland
The Reindeer Lake Resort Navettala building, which has three rooms for accommodation
A birdhouse and a beach sauna at the Reindeer Lake Resort in Pello in Finland
Lake Puolamajärvi in Pello in Lapland
Lake Puolamajärvi - picturesque Lapland lake
Young reindeer in autumn in Pello in Lapland
The beach from the Reindeer Lake Resort Mummonmökki (Grandmother's Cottage). On the right, Lake Puolamajärvi.
Wooden elves at the Reindeer Lake Resort in Pello in Lapland
Summer view: Vanhapirtti Cottage and Navettala Building with rooms
Young reindeer in Reindeer Lake Resort Reindeer farm in Pello in Finnish Lapland
Vanhapirtti (Old Cottage) at the Reindeer Lake Resort in Pello in Finland